Law Firm Marketing

Crush your marketing goals on the daily by maximizing your ROI with the help of the industry experts at Marketing Six.
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Get Better Cases, Period.

Get Full Omnichannel Management of Your Online Presence

Low-quality marketing strategies produce low-quality leads. We understand how important it is for law firms to receive high-quality traffic, so we employ top-notch marketing strategies that are designed to increase your online visibility and credibility. This begins with a visually stunning website design, complete with informative content pages and easy calls to action.

Our vision for your success also includes developing custom SEO strategies to improve your search engine rankings, creating engaging and relevant content to establish your authority in your practice areas, and leveraging social media platforms to reach a wider audience.

Additionally, we’ll work closely with you to create targeted advertising campaigns that effectively reach potential clients and drive traffic to your website. Through our comprehensive approach, we’ll accelerate your firm’s success to Mach 10.

Track Results No Bull Just Numbers

Get all the deets you need in one place to track the performance of your digital marketing.
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About M6

Hard Work = Results

"No Bullsh*t. Cool guys. They do what they say they're gonna do, and they make you money."
Paul Overett
Overett Group Attorneys
"They're a little weird, but they're awesome and I'm proud to call them my friends and my marketing partners."
Brian Levin
Levin Law, PA

Marketing Six Industry  Newsroom

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Kenichi Hu
August 1, 2023
Call to Value, Not to Action
When you create a website to market your services, buttons are one of the most effective ways to get a person to perform some sort of action.
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